Monday, January 12, 2009

My Monday Blues

Ugh Mondays. We all hate them. Especially me and Especially on this Monday. I stayed up till four on Saturday talking to my friend David. He is so funny. I like talking to him when I get in a bad mood because he will always make me laugh. Well anyway so I was really tired. And on Mondays I have to wake up at six. Now I know that is not to, to early, but its early to me from the weekends. Well another thing about Mondays is that I have school, and I have to sit through an hour and half class. Without almost falling asleep. And starting off with French is not easy. But there is always one thing good about Mondays and that's the some what good food they got. Its not the leftovers from the week, the french fries are always nasty so there is no positive thing about that. But the Chicken Sandwiches are so good all the time. Well I have history so on Mondays we get a new set of vocabulary terms, and they are so much but to get them done with and out of the way then just do them in one night. The only good show on Monday night is Secret Life of an American Teenager. Its really good. Well its Monday night so I got school tomorrow. :(

Sunday, January 11, 2009

Debate of French vs Spanish

Well my dad, stepmother, sister, and I were having a debate on whether I should change my class from French to Spanish. I said that its easier for me to take French because its easier for me to learn it. Most of the words are just like the English version. They just are pronounced totally different. I am easier to me. I think I should not change to Spanish. But if I do then I could have my brother-in-law help me with Spanish. But I only see him on the weekend.

Saturday, January 10, 2009

My Sweet, Cool, Bestfriend

I have meet the best guy ever. I know that its hard to be just friends with a guy, but for now I think I really want to. I meet him the Georgia Southern, go Eagles, homecoming game of 08. I have talked to him alot. We just text, but I will start to call him. I really want him to see that I am sweet, caring, nice, fun to hang out with. I can't wait till we both have off of school. Then we can hang out just the two of us. We can get to know each other more, I can't wait.

It is so funny. His brother is my sister and her husband, Jackie and Paul, friend. That's how we meet. I can't wait till I go to college. I am going to the same college that David is going to. I can't wait till when he is coming back home. Then we can hang out together. I hope.

Me and My Crazy Sister

Well today I went to my sister's house. I love her because she is so crazy. When we get together there is no telling what we would get ourselves into. Like tonight she made me get out and picking up newspapers that were left in the street. So I picked up one and I dropped my phone and I tried to get out and pick it back up and I fell out of the car, it was so funny. When I went to pick it up my brother-in-law drove up a little, and he almost ran over my phone. It would be kinda awesome if he did because then they would have to buy me a new phone. Oh yea that would be great. I could always use a new phone. I always make her laugh so hard when we are together. She always says when I get married that she is going to have a list a mile long about my most embarrassing comments, things I do, etc. Like today I was helping her bargain shop and she asked me to pick up a newspaper at cvs., and I did and I almost dropped it and I tried to catch it, and I didn't and the newspaper went every where.

Friday, January 9, 2009

My love Problems

I am in Tenth Grade, and I love every minute of it. I just wish the love part of high school would be easier.

I have the worst time on keeping a boyfriend. I have the best guy that treats me right, makes me feel pretty, makes me feel like me. And somehow I can never keep him near. He just runs away. I had a good guy for like three months. He was the best, at the time. He made me feel like I was his everything. In the morning when we were waiting for the bell to ring, he would come up and stand with my friends and me and hug me and let me lean against him. He made me think that he was the one. I was so happy; I thought that I could never find someone better. I thought he was the one. I thought that I would marry him one day. Well that didn't happen. Well we kept dating on and off for a year. Well then I met the guy that was so perfect there was nothing wrong with him. But everything was wrong with me. I have the worst relationship problems because I have fear of getting too close. Then I met the next guy and we started to date, and I broke up with him for that first boy I told you about. I was so stupid. I regret it oh so much now. I then stayed single. I went out with my friend again this year. I thought it was going to work now. I thought because I was older now that I could stay with a guy. Well not so much. We went out for like two months. The longest I went out with a guy is for three months. Well now I just got dumped. We went out for like three days.

Now I am talking to this wonderful guy. I am so happy. I have never been happier to hear that I am sweet or I am a best friend. I have not been so happy that I am told that I like you. I know what my problems where in the past relationships. I move way too fast. I am learning that if you want something you have to give it time to grow. You just can't go out and expect to have grapes after just a week. You need to let them grow. You need to give them love and caring. Just like in a relationship. You can't just after a few days of talking to someone expect them to love you and what not. I have been in a split family my whole life. Some people, like my stepsister, say all the time I know what you are going through. But they don't. Their parents got a divorce when they were in high school. They had time with their parents together. I didn't. That is half of my problem. I do love my step family. They are not really like my step family anymore. I am so happy because I have so much more love than anyone can ask for.